Sunday, September 07, 2008

Another School Year

With More Fees as Well

We have now passed our first week of the new school year, and so far, so good. Our younger one just started preschool. At the orientation session, he threw quite a few tantrums and even tried to rip his clothes off. When school actually started, however, he was pretty well-behaved. I shouldn’t tempt fate, but so far, so good.

Our older son is enjoying second grade and seems to have a nice teacher. A girl in his class must like him because she keeps bugging him with all kinds of concerns every time there is work to do.

The school where our older son goes also has a chess club. We started him on chess this summer since there our local library had drop in sessions in the evening. He has also tried his luck online. The game of chess involves more skill and less luck than “Sorry.” Here’s what gets us: They are charging a $50 fee for chess!