I was trying to have a relaxing time watching the Olympics with my
family when an Obama ad appeared on TV. In it, the President expressed
the desire to “grow the middle.” At this point, I saw how this message
could go completely awry. (Parody? Who, me?) Now I don’t want to
appear disrespectful to anyone who is overweight (hey, I could stand to
lose a few pounds myself), but the concept of “grow the middle” sounds
like Obama wants us to get lazy with big bellies and rear ends. I mean,
what does Michelle “fight obesity” Obama think of that? Even worse,
the whole thing starts to remind me of other Democrats like Al Gore or
Barney Frank or Ben Tribbett or people like them. Ewwwww!
This presents a great opportunity for the Romney campaign. While
Obama may want to grow the middle (and the bureaucracy), America grows
when the government is lean and fit.
(Thanks to Riley for the artistic contribution.)
Cross-posted at
Virginia Virtucon.